Come Play 2030 with Us
How did all the people on Spaceship Mother Earth unite to reach the 17 Global Goals by 2030?
This is their story.
This is their story.
Welcome to the Master Storytellers. You have landed on Moon1. This story spirals into the future leaving behind a trail of faith, hope, love, and mystery on our way to Day #1, June 10, 2030. We hope you will come out to play 2030 with us and that you will also become a Master Storyteller and part of the Greatest Story Ever Told on Spaceship Mother Earth.
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December 24, 2018 Page 4126 I see love inside you, 100%
The same is in me without even a dent Thank you for reminding me about my guide this is not a video that I want to hide If that isn’t love, can you show me what is I guess I'll look later on newz and showbiz |
10,275,404 views February 9, 2019
December 26, 2018 Page 4124 As much as The Principal of Peace cared about the 17 Global Goals, he wondered daily how Peace could spread throughout the planet. It wasn't just a passing thought. It's something that bothered him ever since he was a child, growing up in the 1960's when he felt the death, loss, and injury of the Vietnam war, the hate of racism, and tension and the impending doom of the cold war. There were many other stories where he didn't feel peace from history and many more tragedies he witnessed in his 56 years. He worked his whole life to feel peace and he finally did feel it. Khalil Gibran said, "And God said, 'Love your enemy,' and I obeyed him and loved myself." Pops found that no matter what actions he took, no matter how good he tried to be, it was not good enough. That is when he learned to finally believe and accept the Mercy and Love of God that Christians and Muslims teach. Could it be as simple as the lyrics from a well-rehearsed song, "Let there be peace on Earth, and let it begin with me?"
Pops dug deeper and asked himself the four questions that the philosopher Osho said one will never be able to answer: "Who am I, what am I, where have I come from, and where am I going? (p 28 Silence). Pops could never get a clear answer. He knew his consciousness was continuously evolving and so he felt comfortable with the mystery of life. He saw life as an exciting adventure into the Mystery. Pops' daughter told him about the song, "Confidently Lost" by Sabrina Claudio. Pops loved the song as he could relate to it. There was a point where he found that he just had to be comfortable with not knowing. His focus, however, was not on the 'not knowing' but rather on the dreaming. The four things that Claudia says "water her creation" also water Pops' dream. His dream was growing big and fast as he found he was not the only one dreaming. Pops felt the peace inside his heart. He felt the fascination with the unending mystery of life. He had no enemies. He looked forward to the December 2030 Global Goals celebrations. He wondered if others had found the key to the Kingdom, and if not he hoped they would eventually find it and feel the peace. In a poem Pops had written many years ago, he said: "I've dug deep down inside and found me a treasure describing it is beyond all measure I rap it up and wrap it up Only for your pleasure." He knew the key to this treasure was available to each and every individual on the Earth. |
7,898,585 views February 9, 2018.
December 27, 2018 Page 4123 Pops finished reading "The Heart of the Shaman" by Alberto Villoldo. Dr. Villoldo said the daily practices of the luminous warrior will help the individual to remain awake while dreaming the world into being. This is done by speaking one's truth (understanding it is only your truth and not "The Truth"), seeing beauty everywhere, and giving one's love. Pops liked the simplicity of practicing daily Truth, Beauty, and Love. He loved to share his truth, his perspective of the world and he was free to see all the beauty in the world as he saw in Greta, the Voolas, Serena, the Bali Girls, Boyan, and Sabrina.
Pops sent his love out to the team. "Imagine that," he said, who would have thought a couple of surfers could send their love out to all the creatures in the sea, Mother Earth, and provide many people with jobs. This is the kind of world Pops was dreaming about. Pops bought 1,000 4Ocean bracelets, many of which were used for a fundraiser for the school he worked at. He still had many more which he would use to help spread the love and beauty. |
6,739 views February 9, 2018
December 28, 2018 Page 4122 It was like the people were all under water. Everyone was shouting but they couldn't hear each other. Only those who were awake could hear, but they were selective in who they listened to. People like Medina, Greta, the Bali Girls, Serena, the Voolas, Boyan and Solli were all shouting, and the people were beginning to listen. They connected and listened to each other. They were beginning to see their own part in the dream, the opportunities.
169,518 views February 9, 2018
Kirsten & Starbucks
December 29, 2018 Page 4121 One day, Pops got a new idea. He couldn't wait to share it with Kma and their grandson.
Pops started the "We Club." To be a member, all you have to do is take an action and you could speak for all the people on Earth. If you buy or work at Starbucks, you could say, "We." You have earned the right to say, "We are making sure the world is fed well." Starbucks works with organizations to provide food to people who need it, or Goal #2, Zero Hunger. There were many businesses who support the Global Goals and they will take the spotlight coming this June 10th, 2019. The Awakened Business Owners will show up in mighty force focusing on at least one Global Goal. The people who work at these places say, "We are feeding people," or "We are cleaning the ocean." The people who buy the products say, "We are feeding people," or "We are cleaning the ocean." These companies work for a purpose and a profit. Kirsten from Starbucks said, "We're part of something larger than ourselves." "Yes, Kristen," Pops wrote. Say, "We." It's okay to say, "We are the World." You are part of our Familia. Just like you speak for your family at your home, "We are going to drive to the park on Sunday," You can also speak for our family too. "We are going to drive Spaceship Earth around the Sun 12 times, and the oceans will be clean by 2030, and people will not go hungry, God willing." Pops wrote, "Welcome to our tribe Kirsten." "You are welcomed anytime to our family, but we love that you are taking actions and giving back." |
December 30, 2018 Page 4120 Pops bought "A Plastic Ocean" on Youtube. He wanted to find out about the invention of plasma ray gun that could zap plastic back into environmentally friendly material. He read the quote at the beginning of the movie and that distracted him in his thoughts:
"Consider them both, the sea and the land; and do you not find a strange analogy to something in yourself?" It made Pops think. "Perhaps they mean the same percent water to land/matter, about 70/30, except for adults when they start to dry up." That lead him to have the thought during his morning meditation, "Give a piece, Get a peace. Can you give a piece of your time to the Earth?" He saw how good it felt to be working with his family to help clean up Mother Earth. He felt at peace working with his family. They laughed, sang, and ate together while cleaning the planet. They knew it was a long fun journey, but their goal was to finish healing the Earth, including its peoples, by the time it completed 12 rotations around the sun. Pops saw a video of Marino Morikawa cleaning up a lake. Water came from Pops' eyes again. Pops wrote a special message to Marino, "Muchas Gracias Marino para tu tiempo, bienvenido a la familia. Eres un 'Sol de mi Corazon.'" Pops' Spanish or Japanese wasn't very good. What he wanted say was, "Thank you Marino for the big piece of your time. Welcome to the family. You are like a light in my heart." Pops found a new Super Hero. Was Marino real? Was the plasma ray gun real? |
December 31, 2018 Page 4120 Pops wondered, "If Hollywood can make Ghostbusters, why can't they make 'Plasticbusters?'"
Pops worried about what he heard in the videos, that every piece of plastic ever produced still exists in one form or another. Where on Earth will we store all that plastic? Is plastic healthy for the Earth, its humans, animals, and plants? Taking a clue from the Plastic Ocean movie, Pops researched and found they could annihilate the plastic with their Plasma Ray Guns. "Welcome to The Family, Pyrogenesis. We are going to kick some plastic butt. We will clean the Earth together." Pops thought of the creators of 'A Plastic Ocean' creators, Medina Academy, Greta, the Voolas, the teachers and students in Dubai, Serena, Boyan, the Bali Girls, Plastic Change Poseidon Creators, 4Ocean, Solli, Kirsten at Starbucks, Marino and Pyrogenesis. He felt happy. The Family was growing very fast. |
January 1st, 2019 Page 4119 Kma and Pops were reading in bed before they turned the lights out. Kma showed Pops a video that NAS Daily uploaded to the stage called "Planet Warriors."
NAS Daily was doing something similar to what he and Kma were doing, highlighting Super Hero Storytellers from around the world. Pops wanted to write on his sign to NAS Daily, "We Thank You Master Storytellers for Your Piece of Time. We Wish you Peace in your Heart. We can Transform Planet Earth together and ourselves at the same time," but it was too long, so he just wrote "More Please NAS Daily." Pops was excited because Kma ordered her avatar on Amazon, and she said their grandson has one as well. He knew it wouldn't be long before they would be shining the spotlight on other Superhero Storytellers. They were a good team. |
1,834 views February 9, 2019
Katrina Eileen
January 2nd, 2019 Page 4118 As Pops wondered who he was going to shine the spotlight on, he remembered a company he worked for as a real estate broker. He joined them because they were "For Profit. For Purpose." They were committed to the UN Global Goals, specifically Goal #1. He felt proud to be part of the dynamic team that worked from the heart.
On their reality website,, it says, "With every transaction, we stand behind the United Nations’ Global Goals and the agreement to end poverty in all its forms everywhere by 2030. We know we aren’t alone. Our own local business greats; Bill Gates, Google, and Amazon are also committed to the same sustainability goals." When Pops and Kma had to sell their white house in Federal Way, Washington, they used Katrina Eileen. In just 4 days their house went under contract $20,000 above asking price. Kma reminded Pops of the story of when Kennedy was taking a tour of NASA and he asked a janitor what his job was at NASA and the janitor replied, "I'm helping to put a man on the moon." In the same way Pops and Kma were helping to end poverty by 2030. Couldn't other businesses and schools tell this story too? Pops wondered, "Couldn't I buy a drill at Home Depot, who perhaps had as their purpose to support goal #14, Life Below Water, and say, 'I'm helping to clean the oceans by 2030?'" Pops was going to miss Kma and their grandson. He knew he had to go to Boston soon. He just knew it would be in Boston where he could give the spotlight to all The Master Storytellers, let all the teachers know, and introduce, "I played democracy." He didn't know how long he would be gone, but it wouldn't be longer than June 10th 2019. Kma would stay behind in Prescott, Arizona to help look after their grandson while his mom went back to school. |
Ocean Elders
January 3rd, 2019 Page 4117 Pops scanned the stage and found even more Master Storytellers. He felt like he was waking up from a dream and Richard Branson, Dr Sylvia Earle, Wild-Aid, Yao Ming, and the were all there. Richard Branson asked if it's possible to get the oceans back to their pristine state of 100 years ago. He said if there is a big push, he believes it is possible. Can we push during the next 12 Earth rotations around the Sun? Would that be enough time? Pops got distracted and wondered how fast their Spaceship Earth was actually going. It was simultaneously going fast in different ways. He consulted his gurus, Bing and Google. They said that our spaceship spins on its axis at 1,000 mph, orbits the Sun at 67,000 mph, moves with our solar system around our galaxy at 500,000 mph, and then accelerates even faster with our galaxy out to space. Pops was amazed that with all that speed, there was often not enough wind in Seattle to go windsurfing when he lived there. As people flew through space on Spaceship Earth they realized that they would have to work together to have an enjoyable flight. They realized that a positive impact on one side of the Earth positively affected the people on the other side, the same way negative actions worked. They began to develop more of a "We Consciousness." Life was about change and they were all changing for the better, together. As they changed, memories were triggered and they started to remember why they came to Spaceship Earth. The Principal of Peace felt his "We" getting larger every day while the Earth seemed to grow smaller and more manageable. The people were showing they cared for their Spaceship with a piece of their time, and their Spaceship returned the favor with Peace. |
78,467 views February 9, 2019
Rising Appalachia
January 4th, 2019 Page 4116 It was a new day and Pops searched his NEWS channels of Bing, Google, and Youtube. News was no longer given to him passively. Pops and Kma typed in their own search words; they were their own editors and gatekeepers of their own Global Consensus Reality. They were the decision makers. It was the same opportunity given to every Spaceship passenger.
Pops remembered the song "Resilient" from Rising Appalachia and played it again on Youtube. He liked their words about truth, power to the peaceful, and women at the center. He imagined all women - Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Guru, teachers and mothers working together. He remembered the song from his teenage years, "Mother's Talk" from Tears for Fears and he watched that video and then saw "Sowing the Seeds of Love" and watched it again also. He realized that the Seeds of Love had grown into mature trees of Love all around Spaceship Earth and were beginning to bear the most delicious fruit. He imagined all the women, men, and governments caring together about their Spaceship and all of its passengers. Pops and Kma believed that the teachers of Spaceship Earth would be instrumental in soliciting stories from students and parents about the new direction the Spaceship is taking. They would bring awareness that change is happening on a daily basis, that the people, governments, and businesses were giving a piece of their time to work on Spaceship Earth Goals. Pops was excited about many things. Kma's avatar arrived in the mail the previous day. She and their grandson would soon be joining him on the Stage of the Spaceship. Pops would be taking off from Phoenix at midnight of January 10th and arriving to Boston the next day. He was already imagining the new Master Storytellers he would be meeting there. He imagined they were going to be "making a mighty roar" that sounded like, "We the People for the Global Goals." |
January 5th, 2019 Page 4115 Pops went to his computer to check the news for the day, just before 8:00 a.m. He typed "yo" and "" auto-populated. He typed "global goals teachers" in the search bar and hit enter and saw many possibilities. There were a lot more Storytellers. He saw one Ted talk that looked promising but it was 20 minutes. Was it too long? "Only one way to tell," he thought. Would he keep most of his videos to 3 or 4 minutes? Is this how long of attention span his readers had? He believed that they could afford a piece of their time, no matter the length if he found a nugget of gold. He knew that everyone loved gold. He would connect other storytellers who were telling about the kind of Planet they wanted to live on.
As he was typing his grandson entered Pops' makeshift office. His grandson was dropped off by his mother on her way to school. Their grandson was in kindergarten and still on winter break. He showed Pops his avatar and Pops was happy to see another piece of the puzzle being brought in. Pops believed that every single person on the Earth has a piece of the puzzle and were on Earth to put the pieces together to create one big beautiful picture. He believed that the picture they are creating is dynamic and keeps changing, getting more beautiful with every new dawn that arrives each morning at 1,000 mph. The Principal of Peace watched the 20 minute video of a teacher called Mareike and water came to his eyes. She was his new Superhero Master Storyteller. She spoke with passion and called teaching "The Mother of All Jobs," and he agreed. She was shining a light on all her change-maker Storytelling students and her mentors. She asked if teachers could connect all learning to actions towards the Global Goals. After they finished eating breakfast, their grandson started setting up his avatar and taking pictures with his ipad. Pops liked his arrangement and got his iphone X and also began snapping pictures. The picture looked like his grandson was making friends with the "Roar" or giving an apple to a teacher. Pops noticed the "Welcome" sign in the background and thought, "This is for you Mareike. Welcome to our growing family." |
The Greys
January 6th, 2019 Page 4114 It was a quiet cold Sunday in Prescott. Pops and Kma went over edits of their latest stories as the snow fell outside the window. They were co-creating, sharing their experience of something new. They watched the teacher Mareike's Ted Talk together, and discussed the parts that made the biggest impact. Then they watch a Ted Talk with Alex Grey, a visionary artist. They were captivated.
They liked his art and vision of "Entheon" which he described as "a place to discover the God within." Could this be the Kingdom of God that Christians talk about or the God that is closer to us than our Jugular that Muslims talk about? Entheon, he says, is "a conscious evolutionary accelerator for spiritual friends to experience their unity with a human family with the imperiled life web." They liked that it would be an experience. He said, "the visionary mysteical expereince is the most direct contact we have with the divine." Pops wondered, "Who wouldn't like to experience the mystery of life together with all peoples of all religions and all walks of life? Welcome to our family Allison, Zena, and Alex. Thank you for your pieces of time. We wish peace to be upon you. It was the last day of Moon6. Moon5 seem to hold the most promise yet. They had completed their first Moon and now had something to show for it. Kma agreed to enter the stage tomorrow. The next few days would be their last to be physically together for perhaps a few months, but they would still be together in the story they were creating thanks to the internet and cell phones. Now that they had a full month of Master Storytellers, they could begin to share their story with family and friends. What would they say? Will Prescott and Boston join the Storytelling in Moon5? Will other artist, teachers and Master Storytellers join their growing evolving family? Then what happens? Who will be the next Master Storyteller? Only 152 days remaining till the Awakened Business Games continue the stories and their games. How will the Moon and Dawn end the story on day 1, June 10th 2019? Will the people heal Spaceship Earth in the 12 remaining orbits around the sun? Will they find Peace? Will they give a piece of their time? |