Wonder Questions
The Question Collection
People all over the planet are still trying to answer these questions
These questions* usually satisfy nobody. Yet they remind us that ignorance - not knowing - is the natural state of mind for a research scientist. Smart young people often hate to utter the words "I don't know." But scientists have to admit what we don't know all the time. People who belive they know everything have neither looked for, nor stumbled upon, the boundary between what is known and what is unknown in the universe."
*three questions with an asterisk below per Neil DeGrasse Tyson
in Astrophysics for Young People in a Hurry
The Question Collection
People all over the planet are still trying to answer these questions
These questions* usually satisfy nobody. Yet they remind us that ignorance - not knowing - is the natural state of mind for a research scientist. Smart young people often hate to utter the words "I don't know." But scientists have to admit what we don't know all the time. People who belive they know everything have neither looked for, nor stumbled upon, the boundary between what is known and what is unknown in the universe."
*three questions with an asterisk below per Neil DeGrasse Tyson
in Astrophysics for Young People in a Hurry
“Here’s the craziest thing about life, this is the thing that nobody really considers; you know as much about what life is all about as anybody who’s ever lived, ever. That’s the craziest thing about us. We’re all just kinda wandering through this going “‘You know what you’re doing?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘Oh, I do too. I know what I’m doing.’ ‘Okay. Good, then.’” But really no one has a clue.” – Joe Rogan
"If you are grateful that you don't know certain things, you derive great pleasure from learning more about them." - Andreas Moritz
"Everything in life is unknowable. What we think of as knowledge is not really knowledge. In life, nothing can be known. Every phenomenon that we observe, starting with a small leaf, remains utterly unknown, utterly unknowable, utterly inconceivable, utterly mysterious. This mystery can never be revealed. What little we know is not knowledge but just acquaintance. We make the mistake of thinking acquaintance is knowledge. (Osho p.25-26 Silence)
“Reality really is a theatre. There’s no other way to describe it. It’s all so
nonsensical, ridiculous and chaotic.”
– Joe Rogan
nonsensical, ridiculous and chaotic.”
– Joe Rogan
Question: "Who am I?"
What we question: I wonder what consciousness is, how I am connected to all things, what my being is made up of. Perhaps the better question is, "How can I experience myself?"
What we know: - I am a son/daughter, father/mother, brother/sister, student, business owner, employee, neighbor, artist, sexual orientation, hobby, fan of _______, owner of a ____________, cousin, nephew, niece
Question: What is the experience of Love like?
What we question:
What we are acquainted with:
Question: What does the experience of peace feel like?
What we question:
What we are acquainted with:
Question: What is reality?
What we question: If the reality of a 4 year old is different than that of a 20 year old, and that of a 40 year old is different than a 20 year old, and that of an 80 year old is different than a 40 year old, then what is reality? Is it a wonderful mystery that we get to keep chasing or creating and dreaming?
What we are acquainted with:
Question: "Where do I come from?"
What we question: I wonder where I was before I was born? Did I have past lives? Is there any way to connect to those past lives? Are my past lives and future lives here simultaneously in a parallel dimension?
What we are acquainted with: I know where I was born, where my parents and grandparents were born and lived. The current city I live in is ______. I've been to __________ cities and countries
Question: What is a human being?
What we Question:
What we are Acquainted with:
*Question: What happened before the beginning (of the origin of our universe)?
*Question: What if the universe just popped into existence from nothing?
*Question: What if everything we know and love was just a computer game created by superintelligent species of aliens?
Question: Where does consciousness reside in my body?
Question (Osho): Do we have the eyes to see the mystery of life?
Question: Am I a multi-dimensional being?
Question: Do I have inner guidance? If so, how do I connect?
Question: How am I connected to the world around me?
Do you have questions we add to this list?