Robert Mond is the creator and narrator of,,,, and
His mission is to tell the "live" story as of the period of time from 2018 to 2030 ,the "Ascension" or "Awakening" era.
The Awakening happens when one forgives and accepts himself or herself. In this acceptance, one finds unconditional love. Once love is found, then what? Next is Ascension.
The Ascension era was when the majority of the people on planet Earth came together for a peaceful, yet energetic, creative, and joyous conscious evolution. The people found what didn't work in the world, and so they set out to do the work of creating the kind of world they could all live in.
The majority found love, and it was indeed unconditional. Love sought to understand all religions, races, and sexual orientations, but most importantly, Love sought to heal all. The majority found that in seeking to heal their planet, Mother Earth, they healed themselves.
The story began on December 10th, 2018 in Moon 1 on page 4140 and will finish on June 10th, 2030 on Page 1. This story works "backwards."
The majority of the people on planet Earth were not there to challenge anyone's religion, beliefs, or political system, but rather to listen and explore the infinite nature of God, the Universe, and the mysteries of life together. They were there to operationalize love; where they found love, there was no fear.
The majority of people on planet Earth understood that the true fruit is in the actions, not in words. The majority had enough of the words and broken promises. They wanted to see actions. They wanted to see the people and politicians working together, side by side, getting their hands dirty, pulling plastic out of the oceans and toxic wastes out of the ground. They understood the old saying, "We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors; We borrow it from our children."
When the majority looked at that past moons, the past pages in TheBookofLove.One, they knew that their future would be bright; instead of problems to be solved, they began to feel a sense of wonder as they proceeded into the mystery together.
What is going to happen tomorrow? They could finally feel comfortable with saying, "I don't know." But they also added, "Based on the momentum we have in, the future looks quite bright."
The Master Storyteller hopes to hear your stories and that you will also appear in one of his books. He wishes much abundance and peace for all peoples on the great big beautiful blue planet Earth, which he affectionately refers to as Spaceship Mother Earth.